Top 8 Teen Romance Books You’ll Definitely Fall For This Winter

Lora Cholakova

Freshman Kalina Cholakova snuggling and reading her romance book in her free time.

Lora Cholakova, Writer

Winter is the perfect season to indulge in cozy activities, so pull out those oversized sweaters, grab your favorite latte, and curl up with a new swoon-worthy book. Whether you gravitate to familiar authors who are sure to provide the romance and delight you depend on, or want to try out someone brand-new, you’ll find a book to love on this list featuring some of the best romance books.

#8: Dear John by Nicholas Sparks

If you have seen the movie, you should read the book because it’s much better. Almost all of Spark’s books have a romance story which can make you cry. This book is romantic, sappy, sad, and redeeming. Dear John has a pretty formulaic plot. Sparks’ writing is smooth and easy, and the characters are not complex. The characters are likable, and John’s relationship with his father creates a nice subplot. You will enjoy this book, if you are into real life love stories and how they impact our lives.

#7: Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella.

At her best, Sophie Kinsella tells stories featuring characters that we can relate to. The main character Lara has always had a big imagination. One day the ghost of her great aunt mysteriously appears, which is what makes the book very mysterious This strange request leads into a new romance for Lara. These very different “twenties” girls learn some surprising truths from each other along the way. Written with irrepressible charm and humor this makes this book recommended. The ghost is what spins Lara’s life around and makes the main plot twist of the book. Twenties Girl is also a deeply moving testament to the transcendent bonds of friendship and family.

#6: Matched by Allie Condie

This book is the first in the Matched Series. If you like to read about the future and how different love will be in just a couple of years, then this book is just for you. This is a classic dystopian tale.  Its heroine is a model daughter and citizen who begin to suspect the pursuit of perfection comes with too steep a price. This book will make you think more about your relationships — to people, to technology, and to authority — and could lead to some spirited debates about how to best balance personal freedoms and government control. Thinking about how it feels to have your opinion forced by the society. For someone else to choose who you should be matched with. I immediately fell into Cassia’s world. Told from Cassia’s perspective, I felt as if I was right alongside her for the entire ride. From the nerves she felt at her Match Banquet, to her feelings of confusion about the Society, I was able to identify with Cassia throughout the entire book. I loved watching her learn and grow throughout the book

#5: The Fault in our Stars by John Green

You will cry, laugh, and cry again after reading this book. The Fault in Our Stars is a story about teens fighting cancer, and sensitive readers might be uncomfortable with the subject matter and sometimes graphic descriptions of what it’s like to die. (Hazel has some near-death experiences and also copes with Gus as he vomits uncontrollably, etc.). This is a mature and powerful story: Hazel not only provides teens with insight about what it is like to know you’re dying — and to lose someone you love — but her story is also about deciding to love and be loved, even when you know it will cause pain.

#4: Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier

This is the first book of the start of a great series. Humorous, romantic and suspenseful, the plot is fast-paced and impossible to put down . . . . The final romantic cliffhanger will leave you thirsty for the next book in this jewel of a series. The main character Gwendolyn is the one in the family to carry the gene of time traveling. She falls into a special society and goes on many adventures by travelling while slowly falling in love with Gideon, who first presents himself to Gwen with a dismissive manner, but later moves into the role of leading man with charm and mystery. Ruby Red is a wonderfully intriguing adventure filled with mysterious time travel, breath-catching action and heart-fluttering romance.

#3: The Distance Between Us by Kasie West

The Distance between Us is a well-paced story that will appeal to readers who like light romance with a touch of suspense. This novel was a pleasant surprise, combining a sweet romance with witty dialogue and a cast of interesting characters. The greatest strength of The Distance between Us was the relationship between Caymen and Xander – their first meeting which happens at the beginning of the novel captures the reader’s interest. West incorporates a number of themes into her novel; identity, acceptance, forming preconceived notions about others and discovering one’s own path in life are several that are dominate.

#2: The Boy on the Bridge by Natalie Standiford

This book is based in part on the author’s own experience studying abroad in the Soviet Union under Communism. The exact time frame of the novel is up to readers to infer — which is a little tricky since most teenage readers will be quite unfamiliar with the environment of scarcity and surveillance that Standiford portrays here. More importantly, many of the emotional issues that Standiford conveys are timeless. The issue of trust in relationships is obviously pushed to its extremes here but is one that enters into every new relationship, no matter whether its forged in extreme circumstances or not. The challenge of reconciling imagined or expected outcomes with often dreary realities — both in love and in life — is another theme that teens can relate with, regardless of their understanding of historical particulars.

#1: Among the lemon trees by Nadia Marks

This is not a young adult book which tells you a simple love story. This is an adult book which goes very deeply into two different romances during two different ages. The main character reveals hidden truths from the past. Marks has done a fine job of knitting the past with the present and bringing together a village of varied supporting characters who each have an important role to play in helping Anna through her summer of growth and change. At the end of the story, she better understands her personal definition of love in all its forms. Filled with sunny days, sparkling seas and balmy nights under the stars, Among the Lemon Trees could be just the ticket for the approaching winter days.