How to Disconnect from Social Media and Connect with Life

Lora Cholakova

Caption: Senior Keanne Hiraldo checking his social media before class begins.

Lora Cholakova, Writer

The world has never been more connected. No matter where in the world you are, you can send a message to anyone in another part of the world as long as you both have internet connection.

Sometimes you might get so caught up with direct messaging, liking photos, or even receiving pressure from leaving people on opened without typing a response.

Sometimes, you need to take a step back, disconnect from social media and connect with life once again. Here are five ways you can do so:

  1. Eliminate your phone before you go to sleep and after you wake up.

You should spend the first hours of your day after you wake up- planning your agenda and planning out your goals for the day. You should be proactive in setting the direction of your day not, reacting to how other people want you to spend your day.

Before you go to sleep- you should be preparing your mind to rest. If you check your social media profile before going to bed, your mind will not get the rest it deserves as you will fill your mind with your friends’ updates on their news feeds, which do not necessarily make your life any better in any way or give you rest.

  1. Turn off all your Post Notifications.

Save yourself from distractions and see how much more you can achieve.  Turn off all of your push notifications from email, messages, and social media applications. In case of really urgent matters, people will give you a call.

  1. Give yourself 30 Minutes to Stay Connected

If being technology connected is a must for you, then you can log in for 30 minutes to an hour maximum a day. That way you will be doing only the most productive and mandatory things. For instance, responding to text messages, checking notifications, accepting friend requests, and responding to comments.

  1. Give Yourself Some Space

Sometimes the blinking or vibrating of a phone is just too much of a temptation. If the thought of spending time off your phone sounds like torture, you might have to just separate yourself from your phone for a while.

According to Medium Corporation the problem is that most brains are no match for the allure of shiny technology. So if you need more help unplugging, try putting your phone in another room for an evening.

The farther away your phone is from you, the easier it will be to deal with the temptation of wanting to check it.

5. Live a Real Life!

Most importantly, live a real life, interact with the people around you, and be awesome in the real world! Don’t stress yourself making your profile wonderful. Live an awesome life and it will automatically follow! Do exciting stuff. Write a book. Plan a trip. Whatever. Just be awesome!

Most importantly, live a life that matters and you don’t have to get your satisfaction and fulfillment from likes and shares ever again!