Disney World During COVID-19
While Disney World May Have Reopened, The Theme Parks Still Look Far From Normal
Disney, like many other businesses, has faced great change as a result of the pandemic. “Disney – Cinderella (Explored)” by Express Monorail is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
January 19, 2021
When COVID-19 first started to spread all Disney parks shut their gates, but as the pandemic rages on, some of its parks and resorts have opened. Despite all of this, Disney is in a very different position today than it was a year ago, in terms of both guest and employee experience.
Due to COVID-19, Disney has been taking many steps to ensure the safety of its guests. Whether or not these precautions are enough to prevent the spread of COVID is up for debate, and regardless of how people feel the parks are being visited.
While Disney has tried to make the best of a bad situation and continue to open and run its parks throughout COVID-19, many workers have still found themselves in a precarious situation.
A couple of months ago, CNBC shared how Disney plans to lay off around 32,000 employees, to help the company, make it through COVID-19. This includes employees that worked directly in the park and those that worked behind the scenes.
Additionally, Disney is furloughing 37,000 employees, to try to cut costs, leaving many people out of work. The furloughed employees can expect their jobs to return sometime in the future.
For students at FCUS, this issue may be one that strikes even closer to home, since it is common for a massive employer like Disney to employ parents of students at FCUS.

Sophomore Amelia Vega’s mother works selling ice cream in Magic Kingdom, Vega shared how she disapproves of Disney’s decision to open the parks, out of concern for her mother’s safety. She herself has not been going to the parks either.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea with everything going on in the world and how gross objects and places really are because of selfish people who don’t believe in science,” Vega explained.
Although, Vega shared that she did understand Disney’s decision from a business perspective.
“It’s a heated situation but somewhat understandable because businesses aren’t doing so well right now and they are losing money, making it difficult for them to pay their employees when they are home,” Vega continued.
Not all students agree with Vega’s thoughts on Disney. Senior Chloe Webber had no qualms with Disney’s reopening, both so her father could get back to work and so she could visit the parks again herself. Webber described her worries when Disney first closed.
“I was concerned that Disney wasn’t going to open for a long time and my dad wouldn’t have a job for months,” Webber shared, adding that he went back to work in August. “I was glad he was finally going back to work after being off.”
Webber explained some of the safety precautions being taken that made her comfortable with visiting the park.
“He always washes his hands and washes his mask when he gets home. He changes at work, so he never brings those clothes home,” Webber said. “I was surprised at all the safety precautions Disney has taken including cast members wearing a mask and shield.”
Disney’s opening may be controversial, but the allure of Disney in a time of such uncertainty is undeniable for many and the park offers a welcome escape during such a tumultuous time. Many may agree, regardless of how safe they feel Disney is being, that hopefully, sometime soon, the parks can be visited without the looming danger of COVID-19.