A Whole New Team
Girl’s Basketball Team Taking A New Approach
Girl’s basketball team implements new approaches to their game.
February 12, 2021
Despite the few bumps in the road that the girls’ basketball team has faced this season, they are making a comeback by playing as one, lifting each other up, and being overall supportive towards one another. They are showing everyone what good sportsmanship looks like and how it is displayed. This is also because of the techniques that both Coach Kylie Root and Coach Caylee Kitchen have been using to construct their team so that each teammate is able to reach their fullest potential.
“The girls basketball team is the best. We all have such positive energy and different personalities which brings the team closer. We all have a trait that we put into the team for example I bring in the hype I am always trying to cheer someone up so they can see a unique perspective on it, especially when it comes to my teammates.” Freshman Sorayah Emilien said.
Before joining the team, all the girls were strangers and had no idea that they would be creating new friendships with one another. But now they rely on each other for support on and off the court.
“Many of us will be returning to the team next year ready to play next season and we’ve all grown as a team together and improved our game. There’s a huge difference in how we play together now since the very first game.” Emilien said.

Coach Root and Coach Kitchen have constructed their team with the intention of putting the spotlight on the whole team and focusing on all the girls so that they each get an equal opportunity to perfect their craft and have fun at the same time.
“The coaching is good; they are very honest like if you are having trouble in an area or with your skill, they will help you out as much as they can so that you can get to the point that you should be at, both mentally and physically. The coaches are a part of the team too, they also are very much the structure of the team, they help us in basketball and outside of sports too. It feels great knowing that someone believes in you, especially when it is something that you’re passionate about even though you are not sure about it.” Freshman Sorayah Emilien said.
In the midst of learning the game and gaining new skills, of course, there are going to be days where it seems like nothing is going right but, in that case, the girls have been trying their hardest to push past that and gain the confidence that they need in order to become a strong team.
The coaches for the girls’ basketball team have inspired most of their players to want to come back next year and play for the team again. They play a great role in the team and dedicate their time so that the girls can not only grow as an athlete but also as a student.
“Coaching girls can be a challenge, you deal with a whole other realm of emotions and attitudes and trying to get them through the mentality that, they can’t run or that they are going to pass out or die and just trying to get them over that hurdle that nothing bad is going to happen to them and trying to get them to not play afraid or be afraid of other girls that are bigger, taller, stronger or maybe better than them.” Coach Root said.
Looking back on the girls’ basketball season from last year it is safe to say that a whole lot has changed. Developing new skills, showing ultimate sportsmanship, and just overall playing as a team has allowed the girl’s basketball team to evolve and grow. The players and coach’s dedication to the team has made this possible.
The coaches play a huge role in the team. They’re always ready to work with us at practice and help us grow as a team and are patient with us. Our coaches help us outside of basketball as well, they make academics and grades a priority, reminding us to get our assignments done before basketball. They assist us with schoolwork before practice. The team has had a great season so far. The team and coaches are wonderful people on and off the court.” Janelle Doiley said.