Issues With Pay to Win Games
Students See the Negative Impacts of Pay to Win Games

Many online games have become pay to win, affecting many players.
January 19, 2022
Many online games, free to download or otherwise, have become expensive money pits called pay to win games for many players, which can negatively affect gaming for many people.
Some of the techniques that game developers use are more obvious, such as endless pop-ups for their merchandise and exclusive deals. Other techniques are more subtle and highly effective if not noticed, such as intentionally designing their games to be more addicting for players.
“I know that the games that are more addicting are the ones that you can grind the levels and they (the players) can proceed and go higher up and sometimes buying cosmetics, I think it (the game) would want you to go into the game deeper since you’re also wasting your money,” Ashleigh Mathias said.
Many of the companies use these techniques that Ashleigh mentioned to keep their players hooked in the games that they create. Some games are more balanced, meaning they have a blend between pay to win features and free features, and can be more fun. However, some games have more pay to win features, which has become more common in online games because people want to have an advantage against other players.
“I feel like your game should be fun without making people buy stuff because not everyone can afford it, so I think that it is unfair if you want to have fun because you already bought the game, so what’s the point in making people buy stuff extra?” Junior Kenneth Escribano said.
Many players agree with Escribano’s point, considering that most games are made more for teens and some do not yet have a strong financial structure of their own that does not rely on their parents. However, many of these players also acknowledge that this method helps the company get money for their games, including Escribano.
“The games need to make money somehow, but it shouldn’t be obligated for you to have fun, it should just be if you want to, you can,” Escribano said.
From this realization, many players have mixed beliefs on if games should be a complete package from the beginning or have the additional content that require you to pay for in-game add-ons and upgrades. Pay to win games sometimes feel unbeatable without buying upgrades that some players cannot afford. However, many players believe that these games should not be designed to be pay to win.
“I feel like anybody, whether they have the money or not, should be able to have fun while playing the games,” Arocho said.