What makes a good teacher?
Students share what they think makes a good teacher and why
Keilah Tillman poses with Mrs. Murphy in Murphy’s art room.
February 16, 2023
Most people have had at least one good teacher in their life. Whether it was in elementary , middle, or high school, they have all taught us something important.
“In 8th grade, Mrs. Murphy was a very good teacher because she was someone who was very sweet and caring and she cared about all of us. When you needed help with your work, she was always there to direct you and give you guidance,” Freshman Keilah Tillman said.
Some students see good teachers as people with good teaching, communication, and problem-solving skills. However, some students see a good teacher as someone who holds some of their most memorable moments.
“One of my favorite moments with her was the day before winter break last year, she made us all pancakes and orange juice. It was so fun, and we even listened to Christmas music! It was so amazing, and she made that day very memorable,” Tillman said.
Other students find good teachers as someone who makes you feel loved. Sophomore Tanya Peña shares how her history teacher makes her, and other students feel cared for.
“Actually my 6th period teacher, which is my history teacher, cares about us by showing his affection towards us and it makes me feel loved and I really like that,” Peña said.
Not only do the students see affection and good teaching skills as traits of a good teacher, but they also see them as someone they can learn life lessons from. Peña describes what lessons she learned from history teacher, Mr. Olivero.
“Mr. Olivero taught me to not take things too serious and to have fun with your friends and family,” Peña said.
Another thing students see in good teachers is the ability to get their point across clearly. Freshman Dylin Crane shares how a good teacher

can have the ability to communicate and get along with their students well.
“To me a good teacher is one who is very direct and straightforward but isn’t too strict but still gets to the point across precisely and entertainingly, but at the same time they should also have a good relationship with the students and be kind,” Crane said.
However, students can learn more than just the subjects such as science, math, and history, but they can learn special techniques as well. Crane had learned how to improve her skills from her choir teacher over the years.
“My favorite teacher is Mrs. Thomas, I’ve been in her class for four years and she is very nice and has helped me a lot to become a better singer,” Crane said.
Laid back teachers can also be something important that some students see in a good teacher. Sophomore Devaris Jones shares his view on why attitude also matters when it comes to a good teacher.
“If the teacher is super strict, that would make students not want to do their work and participate more but if they’re laid back, then I feel like students would be motivated to do their work and not stress out about something,” Jones said.
Students may not only be motivated in their class, but for other classes as well. Jones adds on to how his history teacher, Mr. Richman, taught him how to be more motivated for his classes.
“Mr. Richman has taught me to do my work on time and if not, to get it turned in near the due date,” Jones said.
These students have had at least one good teacher in their life that either had good teaching skills, was involved in one of their favorite memories, or more. Good teachers are someone that students should be able to look up to and learn from.
“These all make a good teacher in my eyes due to these all being aspects of many teachers that I admire.” Crane concluded.