New Theater Department Play: Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon

The Theater Department are set to hit the stage yet again with their performance of the Brothers Grimm Spectacularathon in the works.


Tyler Baar, Writer

According to theater department teacher Aspacia Lindstrom, the play, “is a retelling of various famous fairy tales.”

These fairy tales come from the folklorist duo known as the Brothers Grimm. These tales include Hansel and Gretel, the Pied Piper Hamelin, Rumpelstiltskin, and many more.

The cast of the play will be small, likely only a few actors replaying different characters. Mrs. Lindstrom stated, “The actors will be coming in and out, changing into a new character as other actors jump in and fill in their roles.”

The cast so far that is confirmed includes Freshmen Mykael Wilks and Mei Bates and Sophomores Lorianna Thompson and Jesse Baar, who are members of the school’s Thespian Troupe 10008.

“I think that this new play is very funny,” Lorianna stated.

Humor seems to be a common theme for the play. Several students in the theater department noted how funny the play is, including Mei Bates, who also noted how the play was very funny. It should be interesting to see the theater department pull off a humorous play.

Right now, according to Lorianna, the students are reading through the screenplay, and it is a very hectic scene.

“Everyone is constantly trying to read for different people because the characters are so funny. Each have different characteristics that make them funnier than the original characters we know them to be.”

The cast showed some excitement about how people will react to the new funny play, which shows that those participating in the play are doing it not just for themselves, but for the entire audience.

“I’m excited to see how people react to it; I think they’ll love it,” Lorianna ended off with.

Excitement on Lorianna’s part could be since the previous work, Sending Down the Sparrows, was not performed in front of the school audience.

As time goes on, more preparations can be seen being made for the Brothers Grimm Spectacularathon, such as costumes arriving in the theater department, more cast members joining the play, and other small preparations that will take this play a long way.

Freshman Andres Torres, another actor in the play, pitched similar insight regarding the play to those already confirmed to be part of the cast.

“Yeah, it’s very funny. I’m trying to get cast as Narrator #2, the funniest character from what I read. Being the funniest in the Thespians, I need to fulfill that role in the play,” Andres stated, showing again another sign that the play will be very humorous.

It is not just Andy who was looking to snag the role for Narrator #2, Jesse Baar also seemed interested in taking in the role for a similar reason, as well as Max Zweibel, who has currently been cast as Narrator #1.

Plays are not just acting; it is also technical. T hose interested took different roles in the production of the upcoming play, actors and behind-the-scenes. Only one student has so far been confirmed to be playing behind-the-scenes, Junior Eli Gomez, but some interest has been shown by Junior Makayla Gonzales and Freshman Navaeh Jackson, while the rest of those interested seem to be taking the role of actor. It should be known that Navaeh and Eli were both behind-the-scenes workers in the Thespians play, Sending Down the Sparrows.

The cast is being managed by both Mei Bates and Lorianna Thompson, who oversee keeping track of the actors and their characters.

For anyone interested in joining the cast, there are auditions for the play every third period at the theater department, or every Tuesday and Thursday after school.

“We all at the theater department know this will be a good one. The students are still fresh after their previous role in Sending Down the Sparrows and are ready to put on another stellar performance,” Mrs. Lindstrom added.

Lindstrom, who just finished with the Middle School Thespian States, noted how she has a very big and important role in making this play a success.

“As their teacher, it’s my job to ensure they are doing everything correctly and that we make this play another success that will hopefully give our Thespians in the cast the motivation they need to win the States and take it all the way to the Nationals. That is our hope at least,” Mrs. Lindstrom shared.