Senior Spotlight – Carlos Pacheco

Karina Castillo, Writer

“My plans for when I leave high school are to study, go to university and continue playing my sport, which I got a scholarship to play in Chicago and another in New York, where I’m going to study sports management. But I still don’t know which of the two I’m going to go to but my goal would be to continue playing my sport and continue studying. I plan to accomplish this with a lot of discipline, keep working hard, and well, I’m doing what I like so I am focused.  

My biggest fear is not being able to fulfill the goals and dreams that I have to continue studying. One thing I regret is not having put more effort into school.  

My happiest moment was when after 6 years without seeing my family I could see them again, and the saddest moment was when they went to leave again. 

My support system is my family, my brothers help me a lot, they motivate me, they tell me to keep going, and that motivates me a lot. I look up to my father, he always gives everything for the family and has taught me a lot and I have a lot of respect for him. 

What makes baseball my favorite sport compared to the other sports I have played is because this sport was introduced to me since I was little and after so many years of playing, I grew a lot of love for it and I play it with my heart and unlike other sports that I play as a hobby. My Favorite baseball memory at Four Corners, it was a game that I gave two triples, it was my best game but it was also my worst because that was the game that I got hurt. What motivates me is the dreams I have of becoming someone important in sport, and representing my country, Puerto Rico. My biggest dream would be to play in the major leagues.”