Multicultural Night was held in the gym this year, where a fashion show, dancing, and poetry were showcased. The event took over 200 students, parents, and teachers to help set up.
“The goal of the multicultural Foreign Language Club is that we see that people enjoy the event, to hear people talk about the cultures they learned and how much fun they had, it makes us very happy as a club. I personally enjoyed the food, especially the wafer with dulce de leche from Colombia, although I didn’t get to taste much, it was what I liked the most,” said senior Karina Castillo.
During the events fashion show there were several different countries represented such as Chile, Peru, Puerto Rico, Italy, and more. The clothing worn during the show gave students a chance to see the traditional outfits worn in these places.

“As the host of Multicultural Night 2024, my favorite part of the whole event was definitely the fashion show because we can appreciate the difference of each culture just by how they dress and we can also learn more about why they wear that type of clothing and what it represents,” said sophomore Gilyan Reyes.
Another big part of Multicultural Night is the food. The event offered a wide variety of foods from each country, with every table that offered food representing each country’s unique flavors.
“My favorite food of the event was the arepas specifically from Venezuela since it is something different that I had never tasted, I learned from the flavors of other cultures but I decided to go to this event to learn about the 18 countries and I am glad I went because it is a very different experience to any other event of the school, ” said sophomore Wilnellys Vargas.
Multicultural Night also hosted a dancing portion of the night were many students and faculty participated in a pre-choreographed dance complete with costumes and authentic music.
“I decided to contribute to this event because my daughter is always interested in participating in this style of events, she has been dancing since she was 5 years old, I have been dancing all my life, so I created a choreography and in about 3 weeks we learned the dance, and she feels safe when I participate with her,” math teacher Yarira Clavijo said.

This year’s Multicultural Night had been in preparation since the summer of 2023 making sure that this year’s event would be bigger and better than last year’s.
“We have worked very hard since last summer, first we had to request the date and a bigger venue because last year it was held in the cafeteria and we ran out of space plus we decided to do it in a bigger place because many people wanted to add to their country so we went from 10 tables last year, to 18 this year,” Spanish teacher Krytzia Ramirez said.