Four Corners Upper School student council puts on the school’s first-ever PowderPuff game as a way to raise money for the school.
The PowderPuff game is a flag football game where the girls step into the football team’s shoes and play, while the boys transform into the cheerleaders and cheer them on.
“To be honest it feels good [being a girl playing football] because I get to try something new and it’s something that I’ve never done before, so it’s been a great experience,” sophomore Roselynn Plasenica stated.
This year the freshman will face off against the seniors and the juniors will go against the sophomores. Whoever wins the two games will face off against each other and the class who wins that round will be declared the winner of the whole game. The winning team will earn a pizza party.

Plasenica decided to participate in the PowderPuff game when she heard about it from her coach and friends on the basketball team.
“I heard about it from my coach and basketball friends, but what made me participate is how much I like being competitive and so I can just have fun a little,” Plasenica stated.
Senior Gabrielle Francisco, who is usually playing on the basketball court, flipped his role from player to cheerleader.
“I’m a senior so I’m trying to enjoy my last year as much as possible. Some people are too shy to do things like this, but I believe it’s just another way to have fun,” Francisco said.
Biology teacher Diana Pereyra decided to help the sophomores out and created shirts for the team to wear when playing in the game.
“I had a student come up to me, Josue, and he asked me if I can help make shirts for them [sophomores], for their team and he obviously saw that the other teams had got their shirts done and he told me that they wanted to feel like they were a team, so I decided to do that for them,” Pereyra stated.
To prepare for the big game the players participate in practices after school so they can train and learn to work together.
“Practice has been an amazing experience and can be very tiring, but it is still very fun in the end,” Plasenica said.
When the game started the sophomores and juniors took the field with their coaches standing on the sidelines and cheerleaders hyping up the student section.
By halftime, the score was 6 to 0, and towards the end of the game, the sophomores scored another touchdown while the juniors did not make any, making sophomores the winners of that round.
“Beating the juniors felt awesome and I wasn’t expecting the team to do as well as we did,” Cresswell stated.
When it came to the freshmen versus seniors round, the game was a blowout. The freshman won 6 to 0.

“Losing to the stupid freshman was not fun at all, I believe that our defense was good during the game, however, the offensive plays could be better,” senior Karina Nicole Castillo Torres said.
It all came down to the final game, freshmen vs sophomores, in the end, the sophomores were able to pull out the win.
“Beating the freshmen was fun. That game was really great for our team and was super fun to play in and I know that everyone was super invested in winning,” Cresswell stated.
Castillo hopes that this is an event that will continue at FCUS as they feel it is incredibly fun but they are sad as this was the first and last year they could participate.
“I hope this event continues here at FCUS but it will be sad not being able to participate again. I just hope that the freshman never win,” Castillo stated.