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The Coyote Football team getting ready to make their next play.
The Coyote Football team getting ready to make their next play.
Fernando Roldan

Start Strong, Stay Strong, Finish Strong!

The FCUS Team Celebrates their First Win of the Season.

Although the Four Corners Upper Schools football team lost their first game, they came back strong with the team’s first win on their home field.  

A lot of players such as junior Landyn Rayan the starting Center on the team expected the Coyotes football team to beat City of Life which they did with a score of 34-22.  

 “We expected to win and we did but I do not like how we performed in the first and second quarters of the game. I think there was a lot of room for improvement. We did begin to pick up in the following quarters of the game and if we can perform like that for the entire game we’ll have a really good chance of winning any upcoming games,” Rayan stated.  

Like Rayan, a couple of other players expressed that they feel they could do better and believe that there is much more that they could improve on, especially before their upcoming games.   

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A lot needs to be done if we want to continue winning in the future. We need to work better as a team and communicate with each other more as well as keeping up with doing our job,”  junior Mekhi Flax the strong safety said 

However, Flax also believes that a win is a win and in the end winning is the goal in every game that they play. “We won that’s what matters at the end of the day,” Flax said. 

The team had a slow start at the beginning of their last game with the other team scoring first. Some people seemed to have been doubting that the Coyotes would walk out victorious. Fortunately, with help from players like senior running back Denik Johnson and senior defensive end Shaquan Joseph scoring touchdowns, FCUS got ahead with the score. 

The team is looking forward to another good year like the previous football season, but a common concern is that a lot of the players are new and most of the players from last year either graduated or are no longer playing football. Some players are saying the sport is much harder than they originally thought it would be.  

“The sport is more difficult than most would assume it to be due to the physicality, constant pressure, and the exercise,” junior Kamil Hernandez stated. 

Despite these difficulties, they proved to not be as much of an issue considering the team secured the win.  

“Once again it was our team that won and that’s mainly what we were looking for going into this game,” Rayan stated. 

The coaches have been trying to motivate the players to keep pushing and give their best in various ways. One of those ways is through their speeches in which they give powerful quotes. 

“A saying that motivates me that the coaches say is start strong, stay strong, finish strong, and you look good, you feel good, you play good,” Johnson stated.   

Even without most of the players that the team had last year and many new challenges this year, it seems that the Coyotes have the opportunity to continue to dominate in the sport of American Football. 

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