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The Fantasy World of Dungeons & Dragons

The Students of Four Corners Enjoy Playing D&D
Steven Johnson the advisor of the D&D club begins the game.
Steven Johnson the advisor of the D&D club begins the game.
Miguel Gonzalez

Dungeons and dragons is a role-playing game where you, the player, set out on an adventure to explore the world your Game Master (GM) made. All you need to play is a pair of dice, a creative imagination, a character sheet, and a group to play with. It is a game that really allows people to use their imagination and get creative with the game.

“I guess it’s fun, because you can do whatever you want. We can make whatever story we want, and then we can make little characters and do whatever we want, really, characters and do whatever we want it’s like playing a video game, you know I can use magic, I can fight, we can chat, we can play. It’s like improv,” senior Tyler Brown from the DND club said.

The game, likewise, is very social with groups of people getting together to play. The game can provide you with the opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and to socialize with people.

“ I enjoy DND because of the, well, first of all, friends and also meeting new people, because you can either play with just friends, or you can have, a bunch of people come together, and then I’ll play, and it’s a really bonding experience, like, you don’t know, but I also like it because of the competitive nature of the game,” senior  Evangeline Ruiz stated.

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Many students also find the community welcoming. Many have said they have had a great first-time experience from the game and community. It is also recommend that you not be afraid to ask questions If you have any.

“Um, I think it’s important to, just try to have fun, you know, sometimes, I can be open to a lot of things, because, when I first did a campaign, I think if I’d asked more questions for the DM, especially leading up to it, I would have had a better time. Just be free with ideas and especially having a character you know, having a character that you know what they do, or developing them throughout is really fun,” Brown said.

If being a player is not what you are interested in you can also be a GM and run your own game, create your own world and story. If you do not know how to GM or make a story, Wizard of the Coast (WOTC), the owners of DND have their own books with their own world, stories, and guides on how to play as GM or players.

“To new players, I would recommend just starting and even with new DMS too. People that might be a little bit hesitant to get into creating your own game, just start small, and then you can work your way up. The most important thing that I’ve found is that players will talk to each other and communicate about the game, both in game and out of game,” Game Master Steven Johnson said.

Many students find DND an amazing game that allows you to get creative and really use your imagination no matter if you are a GM or a player. It does not take much to get into the hobby and you can have a lot of fun exploring and socializing with people.

“It is a lot of fun. It is also a lot of work. There was a lot of preparation that goes into it, but the payoff is great when you get to be a part of something and see, you know, your players, live and breathe. In a world that you’ve created. Really cool,” Johnson stated.


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