The varsity football team made it to the playoffs. Winning their first playoff game with a score of 40-34.
This is the team’s second time making it to the playoffs. Last year the team made it to the playoffs but lost the first game.
“It feels good to do something the school has never accomplished knowing that we were the group to achieve that, is something special that will forever be with me,” senior Danik Johnson said.
Players on the team such as sophomore Joseph Delgado felt accomplished with the fact that they were able to win a playoff game since the school had never won a playoff game before.
“I feel like since it was a home game everyone just felt more motivated since the crowd was there cheering us on,” Delgado said.
The football team proceeded to the second round of the playoffs after winning the first playoff game on November first. The team then lost the game against their opponent, Hernando Christian Academy with a score of 44-36.
“It felt very disappointing to lose that game, we could have easily won. I think that our offense was definitely better than our defense. Our defense made a couple plays too which was good but, a bad way to end the season,” Johnson said.
The sideline cheer team also attended the playoff game. The cheer team had never attended an away game however, the team felt it was important to show their support.

“It was really fun and a little bit of nerve racking since I wasn’t sure what to do or what to expect, but overall, it was an amazing experience that I hope we can do again,” freshmen Kailey Brown discussed.
Even though the team lost the game there were memorable plays that shaped the outcome of the event. One of these moments being when the defense got the chance to pick the ball at the other teams’ goal line.
“When the defense got a pick at the other team’s goal line that was a big turnover moment in the game we made a big stop,” Johnson stated.
Another major event that happened in the game was when Johnson scored the first touch of the second playoff game.
“The first touchdown in the game Danik scored, it helped us stay alive during the game, helped us keep our heads up during the game,” senior Devonte Coreus said.
Along with memorable plays comes memorable moments, for instance junior Emilio Cabrera felt the need to go on to the cheerleader’s bus and thank the cheerleaders for coming to the game and supporting the football team despite the loss.
“When they go to games it’s important, they give us power because sometimes we are playing and we are tired but when we see them cheering, it feels good knowing that there are people supporting us to make it to the next level. Every time I say thank you for that team. It’s a sacrifice staying on the side the whole game and screaming for us , standing for us, and being a part of us” junior Emilio Cabrera stated.
Even though the team did lose the game they don’t want to see it as a loss but the start of making a difference in coyote history.
“It felt accomplishing for the most part, I wish we would have made it to the championship, it would have been a lot better, but hopefully next year the young’ins can take it over,” Coreus said.