To promote school spirit around the holidays, the student council has come up with yet another Holiday Spirit Week and with it a treasure trove of ideas for outfits that students can wear have been decided.
Many may not know, but yes, the Student Council are actually the people who decide which themes every spirit week will have. According to the council they’ve been deciding the individual ideas and themes of the school’s spirit weeks for a long time, which to some members has posed a challenging yet fun task for the group. Students in the council like, senior Isabella Hemenway and senior Ashanti Edwards have stated that many ideas were thought about before the final decisions where ultimately decided.

The Council decided that Mondays theme would be, “Merry Monday.” As the opening to the holiday season, students will be wearing either red or green, and this idea was deemed Red Vs. Green day.
The next day of spirit week, Tuesday, is themed as “Winter Wonderland” where students wear either white or blue to fit the idea of a snowy winter. This idea was actually originally thought up by the advisor of the student council, Shannon Marino and was later expanded upon by the council students.
The third day is titled “Workshop Wednesday,” which is of course on Wednesday. The day was decided to be one where students can dress like they work in Santa’s Workshop, examples can be a toy, an elf, a tree, a reindeer and more.
“Family Photo Day” is Thursday’s theme, and the idea is for students to coordinate outfits with their friends and take “family portraits” with them. The idea not only promotes more of a feeling of family within the school but will also be a great thing for teams or groups of friends.
The final day of the Holiday spirit week is labelled “Long Winters Nap” and the idea is for students to wear their warmest and comfiest pajamas and outfit for the day, that of course fits the school’s dress code. This can be interpreted by some as a final send off before holiday break with the idea of a goodnight and farewell before the year comes to a closing.
Be ready to dress up next week!