Apex Leadership Co. took on Four Corners Upper School, filling these past few weeks with various games and the raffling of prizes to prepare for the Color Games fundraiser.
The event, which happened on Jan. 17th, 2025, was a chance to raise money for the Parent Teacher Council (PTC) and eventually help with the costs of getting a new score board for the football field.
“The initiatives we are currently working on are fixing the scoreboard on the football fields, teacher appreciation gifts that we do every single year, and funding Last Blasts, so there can be a free end-of-the-year activity for all students,” PTC’s president Kristen Fendone said.
Last year, a company called Epic C2C was supporting a similar fundraising event, previously known as the “Color Run”. This year, Apex Leadership Co. took over with a slightly different approach.
“The company we used last year was not as involved in fundraising, whereas this company is able to be here every single day for two weeks, and running games in the classrooms, which makes the event more engaging and more in the front of everybody’s minds, so we have a greater potential to fundraise,” Fendone said.
On Jan. 7th , students and faculty attended an assembly that was held in the gym to encourage support and spread information about the upcoming Color Games.
“We got there [the gym] and they were playing music and when everybody was set up, they started talking about the fundraiser and how you could’ve won a PlayStation, amongst other things. Then they played games and passed out raffle tickets. Some of the games were guessing the song and its artist, they also did some racing,” sophomore Erick Gimenez said.
As a way to motivate students to donate to the fundraiser Apex Leadership Co. let the 5 top donators of the day color blast a school faculty member every day leading up to the games. Staff member Ashley Sanchez volunteered to be color blasted by the students while being pregnant with twins.
“I feel like I wouldn’t have been chosen because of my circumstances, but I think me volunteering made it even funnier, because they were like ‘why are you volunteering yourself for this’- it’s because I like to be a part of functions for students,” Sanchez said.
In past years ‘The Color Run’ involved students, including sophomore Lily Camacho, running around and taking part in activities such as tug of war and volleyball.
“Last year we were outside all day, we did a bunch of sports, a bunch of games. It was fun, and at the end of the day we were coming in, all the teachers and staff members were getting color blasted,” Camacho said.
Participating in school events can be a great way to show support for the school and help new improvements grow through fundraisers.
“We continue to give them [students] a lesson regarding sharing, donating, doing what you guys can to login, but also bringing awareness to the school about what there is you guys need, but also bringing happiness and fun to the school. The main important this for us is making sure you guys understand how important it is to fundraise for your school,” Apex member Steve Durham said.