My Body Tells My Story

Tattoos and piercings convey the unique aspects of student lives.

Lora Cholakova

Senior, Annalise Petrovich, shows her hand tattoo.

Lora Cholakova, Writer

“The tattoo was an honor to my grandfather,” senior, Annalise Petrovich reveals. “The anchor symbolizes strength and stability which we gave to one another. The lotus flower represents my spiritual belief and the color pink is my mother’s favorite.”

A tattoo is an element on your body that will permanently stay there for the rest of your life. This is why most students believe that the tattoo is supposed to mean something in your life. A true meaning is what Petrovich found in the tattoo. She searched for something to remember her grandfather with.

“I have a tattoo that says – Family- we may not have it all together, but together we have it all” junior, Brayden Halidy, says. “It means to a lot to me, because family is important to me and without family I won’t be where I am today.”

Another fashion trend going around the school this year is piercings, not just ear but also nose and belly piercings.

“I really like that they give you a chance to change up your style without changing your clothes” senior, Julianna Benz, explains. “I love this especially because in our school, we have uniforms so now I can still express myself.”

Today, the younger generation is becoming more open to piercings. Nowadays, people with piercings are not seen differently at first glance. It’s believed that this trend is something that makes you unique and stylish which is far different from generations past. 

“They impact new generations by giving us new ways to express who we really are,” Benz states. “I got my first when I was 11, and it has always given me a new way of expressing myself.”

Tattoos and piercings are beginning to be more approved by our society. Along with this, more parents are beginning to allow their children to get tattooed.

“My mother had no problem with me getting a tattoo.” says  Petrovich. “I turned 18 when I got it, and we actually got matching ones together.”

In reality everything on our skin and body impacts us. Some teens may choose to wear lots of makeup, others may decide to wear fashionable clothes, and some may get tattoos. Everyone has a different way of thinking on what makes them look good and what gives them the most self-confidence.

“I believe that tattoos impact our new generation in a positive way when it carries a meaning” Petrovich, suggests. “It’s a way of expression, I see tattoos as art. Body art that tells my story and lets me show people who we really are.”