A Visit to the Past
Taking a trip down memory lane the seniors of 2018-2019 visit the elementary campus. Guillermo Davila and coach, Jorge Cordova talk about graduation and what it used to be like when Davila was in elementary and middle school.
November 9, 2018
At the Four Corners Elementary campus, the 2018-2019 seniors visited their old teachers from elementary/ middle school. Amongst the old memories and faces, teachers and students talked to each other about getting this far in life and what a journey it has been.
“It was definitely nostalgic,” senior, Kassidy Thezan, stated. “Many of the teachers said it made them feel old.”
Many of these teachers taught the seniors from VPK to 8th grade. Over this period of time both the senior’s personalities, bodies and perspectives on life have changed.
“I felt old and one teacher Mrs. Haynes told us that she was proud of us and how different we were from the 5th graders there now, and how she wants us to go off to college and make something of our lives,” Neishlabeth Manzano states.
Seeing as the seniors are graduating and moving on to college it was a bitter sweet moment for the teachers who watched them grow up. Though the students are moving on, it doesn’t mean they have forgotten their old memories. For many of the seniors, visiting the lower campus brought back a flood of flashbacks.
“It felt like I was back at school, visiting my old teachers, like I was a little kid again, and so many memories came back to me,” senior Elton Bello says.
Along with old memories and experiences the seniors got to make new memories and see what has changed since they roamed the halls. The boys even got to go play basketball, and this game made them see how young they really were back in elementary.
“Most of us couldn’t dunk then and it has just shown us how much we have grown, we were all short,” senior Jozaiah Cotto states.
Seeing that their own change was obvious, the seniors began to notice changes within the school. Since the school was kindergarten through 8th grade when they were there and now it is kindergarten through 5th many things have changed.
“We walked in the hallways and saw how cartoony it was because it is 5th graders,” mentions Jozaiah.
To the seniors of 2018-2019, a trip down memory lane is one that brought back their many memories and reminded them of their journey through life with all their teachers. Leaving behind old memories and making new ones, the seniors will embark on and enter a new chapter in their life